On October 25th, the Sy -och Hantverksfestival (#Syochhantverksfestival) started in Älvsjö, Stockholm. Its organizers; Linnea, Sanna and Lena put all their effort into making it a unique and perfectly organized experience. More than 14,000 people visited the fair and FIFI (with a slightly improved stand but still under construction) had its cozy corner. It was a real wonder to see the work of absolutely fantastic weavers and knitters, leather workers, sewing experts...etc. There was so much to see that it saturated the senses.
FIFI had the most friendly customers who chose their yarn from the variety of colors and qualities that FIFI carefully selects for avid knitters. FIFI is a beginner, but she takes note of every element behind the stands filled with careful and beautiful details of the creations of the veteran and expert craftsmen who proudly displayed their latest seasonal novelties, their patterns, creations and kindly explained to all attendees the details of their production.
We look forward to the next fair.
And as an exciting discovery, our neighboring stand, Yao's XY Hantverk stand. #xiaoyao_ya A crocheter specialized in microcrochet.
This fabulous artisan comes from the south of China. She started crocheting six years ago, and decided to start micro crochet because of her passion for flowers: "I love flowers and I have always liked to observe them. In my homeland there was a great variety of flowers that disappeared from the area due to the territorial reforms of builders who began their urbanization projects. Then when I came to Sweden, I discovered that here they do take care of the native flowers and there is a great variety, but winter naturally removes them too. That is why I decided to reproduce them in portraits with micro crochet," Yao tells us. Among her collection you can find bookmarks, rings, earrings, pictures and figures with floral motifs of detailed precision and exquisite taste that she weaves in white thread for micro crochet and then paints them by hand giving them life and total similarity to reality.
This fabulous artist opens her studio in Hässelby on Sundays from 12.00 to 15.00 and you can see more about her at xyhantverk.se